++ Counting Down. ++
Counting down - 12 Hours.
This feeling sucks, it's like the first day of enlistment, having went through the PTP/BMT phase and POP-ing, but it's not the end, yet just the beginning of more to come. Some friends of mine are already booking out on their first day, and here I am, complaining and questioning God why I am placed in OCS, and not some other slacker units. I heard that OCS is 10 times more 'siong' than BMT, while SCS is only a mere 2-3 times, at times, I asked myself how the heck am I going to survive.
And the answer is.. I don't know. I really don't know. But I know I just got to do it. Even if it's not for myself. I'm going to make my family and girlfriend proud, I got to show that Peiyi didn't make the wrong choice 15 months back then.
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11Step one is probably to get through the 3 weeks confinement first.
God bless me.
My blog posts got cranked up, to solve the problem, I deleted the previous one and this was it:
++ Sunday, 16 October 2010 ++
For some reasons, heading to OCS in a while's time seems so surreal.
Anyway, just a mental preparation:
I know that this 9 months would not be easy.
Lots of tekan. Lots of outfields.
To sum it all up- Tonnes of shit.
But I know at the end of the day,
I won't have any regrets.
Even if I fall out (choytouchwood),
I know I've tried my best.
The prestige, the honour, the glory and the pride that follows the 9 months of hardship. I just pray that this will pass-by as quickly as possible. Ah! How I wished that there was a magic button!
Anyway, some pictures from our Hong Kong trip!

++ To Lead. To Excel. To Overcome. ++
After an awesome trip with girlfriend in Hong Kong, the next morning - there in front of me on the monitor screen, staring blankly at my face:
1. You are posted to OCS (ARMY WING)
2. Your vocation is OFFR CADET(CBT)
3. Your are to report to: Safti Military Institute, Warrior's Hall
Unfortunately or fortunately. For one, I wanted to enter a slack unit, and just laze my remaining 20 months of army away. For another, I hoped to challenge myself, physically and mentally; Bullseye - OCS. Contradiction. State of confusion. FML.
Looking back in my BMT life, the unbreakable bond we have forged, the shit we went through, and now, everyone was posted to different units there could ever be. Riflemen, armour, signals or SCS (Specialist Cadet School) and for some lucky bastards - Military police or Police OCS. BMT has taught me things, stuff I know that I could learn nowhere else and skills, not only in military terms, but socially too, working with comrades, especially with those selfish asses in the platoon.
Now 4 months later, this feeling of uncertainty is back. The sense of stepping into another unknown land, only recognising a few heads, it's just like BAM! Back to ground zero. Only to find myself going to suffer hell for another freaking 9 long and torturous months.
Lots of things to prepare, especially when I'm heading to SAFTI-MI for the very first time as a cadet, still got to carry all those military belongings and documents back to my new camp, and more importantly, mentally preparing for the unneccessary 3 weeks confinement (FML) and shits-to-be, including those countless tekan sessions, route marches and outfield-camps (WTF!). OH GOD, I should stop reminding myself. It's totally bringing my mood down.
9 Months. 0 Motivation. I wonder how the hell am I supposed to pass through. Oh well, day by day, I guess. Got to find some motivation first. Probably when I throw the peak cap, and my dear mum put on the rank on my Number 1 uniform!
But that's 9 months later. 9 MONTHS.
Sigh. BIG SIGH. God save me, please.
++ Counting Down to POP: 6 Days. ++
Title says it all, and I can't wait.
The next blog entry would most probably be after my passing-out as I'll be booking in tomorrow evening, hmm yes. It'd be fun (definitely not referring to the endless parade rehearsals and 24km march.) Yes, it'll be fun.
On the previous Friday, it was our last BMT book-out from the beloved Pulau Tekong, so we had to clear our cabinets, and hell, what whole bunch of stuff we had to carry back home! Mine was estimated to be around 25kg, so it kind-of sucked big-time.
And anyway, I definitely can't wait for my Hong Kong trip! YAY.
(time to sleep)